Matthews, NC, Town Board Votes Unanimously to Become Bee City USA Community


Word is spreading that communities can work together to help pollinators. Former Matthews, North Carolina, Town Commissioner and beekeeper Martha Krauss learned about Bee City USA from the local Mecklenburg County Beekeepers Association newsletter. She thought Matthews, a community of 30,000 residents, would be a great fit. So Ms. Krauss, along with Carol Buie-Jackson, founder of the Matthews HAWK (Habitat and Wildlife Keepers) group, approached the town board about applying to become a Bee City USA community. 

Town Manager Hazen Blodgett is also a beekeeper (who gave honey as Christmas presents). He agreed that the values Matthews holds as a Tree City USA and as a National Wlidlife Federation Certified Wildlife Habitat, had prepared the town well to take a stand for the bees. The Town of Matthews’ Parks,  Recreation, and Cultural Resources Advisory Board will serve as the advisory board for Bee City USA matters. 

Bee City USA extends a warm welcome to Matthews.  We look forward to sharing with and learning from each other across the nation to reverse pollinator declines.

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