About 100 People Attend Xerces Pollinator Course in Asheville

The Winter Storm Warning couldn’t keep them away! Of the 120 people from the southeastern US who registered, about 100 of them braved snow and ice on March 7 to attend the Pollinator Conservation Planning Course. Introductory topics included the principles of pollinator biology, the economics of insect pollination, basic bee field identification, and evaluating pollinator habitat. Advanced modules covered land management practices for pollinator protection, pollinator habitat restoration, incorporating pollinator conservation into federal conservation programs, selection of plants for pollinator enhancement sites, management of natural landscapes, and financial and technical resources to support these efforts. Dr. Nancy Adamson of the NRCS/Xerces Society and Debbie Roos, Cooperative Extension Agent from Chatham County, NC, used stunning photos and case studies of pollinator conservation efforts across the country to illustrate the modules. Many participants also attended the Organic Growers School on Saturday and Sunday which offered a 6-workshop pollinator track. River Island Apothecary was also there selling Nectar Flow Perfume to benefit Bee City USA.

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