Bee City USA & Bee Campus USA

Connecting Communities and Pollinators

Photos: Sara Morris, Matthew Shepherd, Amanda Lucier, Scott Seigfreid

Bees are central to our lives
Thousands of native species sustain our environment and food supply
Bee City USA & Bee Campus USA bring people together to make their communities better places for pollinators

Bee City USA® and Bee Campus USA work to galvanize communities to sustain pollinators, in particular the more than 3,600 species of native bees in this country, by increasing the abundance of native plants, providing nest sites, and reducing the use of pesticides. Bee City USA and Bee Campus USA are initiatives of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.

Conservation outcomes

Since 2019

1129086 +

People engaged in pollinator conservation as a result of Bee City USA & Bee Campus USA

1625 +

Habitat projects completed totaling over 12,900 acres

A Wide Range Of approaches to using integrated pest management to reduce pesticide use

Renewal Reports

become an affiliate

Bee City USA

A program that recognizes, supports, and encourages pollinator conservation in cities, towns, and counties. Click on the following links to learn more about what it means to be an affiliate and how to apply.

Bee Campus USA

A program that recognizes, supports, and encourages pollinator conservation on college and university campuses. Click on the following links to learn more about what it means to be an affiliate and how to apply.

Latest news

Lime green, black and white yard sign reading: "mosquito spraying kills bees".

Mosquito Management At Home

By Aaron Anderson  Summer is here, and with the warming temperatures comes the drone of mosquitoes in our parks and yards. You might also start seeing mosquito treatments being advertised


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