Milkweed Fluff Holiday Decorations?

Photos: Nancy Lee Adamson/Xerces Society

Photo: Phyllis Stiles/Xerces Society

Are you mesmerized by milkweed fluff? If so, you are not alone!

If you saved your fluff, you may want to have a holiday craft session to turn it into ornaments.  Buy inexpensive clear glass Christmas balls from a craft store, and working inside a large paper bag, use your finger or a pencil to stuff a lot, or a little, fluff into the ball before capping it off with the hanger.  (We suggest the bag because one friend discovered the cause of her printer problems was fluff that worked its way inside the rollers!)

True fluff ornament connoisseurs insert unopened fluff in the narrow glass ball opening, much like putting a collapsed miniature ship in a bottle, but without popping it open afterward.  This showcases the fluff’s elegant, silky growth pattern.

After the holidays, you may want to remove any seeds in the ornaments and plant them in time to sprout before the spring monarch migration.

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