Wild Bee Gardens App Is Well Done

PictureFemale leafcutter bee on lupine. Photo: Celeste Ets-Hokin

Purchasing the Wild Bee Gardens app for $4.99 might be one of the best decisions you ever make. The app is formatted for IPhones and iPads to take along on your garden store trips. 

The flower and bee photos (more than 300) are stunning and the information about plants and their pollinators is fairly extensive, but very user friendly.  

The pollinator information includes when our native bees emerge as well as their size, nesting habits and distribution. Creators Celeste Ets-Hokin and Arlo Armstrong have carefully indicated each plant’s native regions as well. They and we hope the app will encourage and enhance even more pollinator-friendly gardens. 

Thank you Celeste and Arlo!

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