Bee City USA Expands Coast To Coast As Talent, Oregon, Is Approved for Designation

PictureBees and honey. Photo: Robin Stickney

Until now, when Bee City USA was asked if there were any other Bee City USA communities, we said Asheville was the only one–so far.  But today, Bee City USA is excited to share the attached press release announcing that Asheville is no longer alone in its official commitment to help the bees.

Talent, Oregon, recently made the decision to take a stand for the bees and is now the second Bee City USA community. Bee City USA hopes their example will inspire many more.

The designation has had a profound impact in just the past two years in Asheville. Everybody seems to want to help the pollinators these days from native plant nurseries going neonic free, to schools planting pollinator gardens, to neighborhoods joining forces to buy pollinator-friendly plants with the commitment to share them with neighbors next year, to people going above and beyond to avoid killing pollinators that decide to nest in inconvenient locations.

Like Baba Dioum said, “In the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.”

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