We Need to Talk About Honeybees


To help ensure healthy ecosystems and successful harvests, pollinator conservation is essential. For many people, pollinator conservation is synonymous with the honey bee and beekeeping, but the story is bigger […]


Ecologically-Sound Mosquito Management at Home


Mosquitos are a nuisance at best and health risk at worst, so it's understandable why many people turn to insecticides to try and control these pests. Though spraying may seem […]


“Tracks and Scat: Who Pooped In The Park”

The Park Naturalist will give a fun and informative talk about how to identify he wild critters who left their mark in the park. Children who attend will receive a […]


No Mow May? No Mow April? Low Mow Spring?


No Mow May has garnered a lot of media attention in the past few years. It’s catchy and succinct, but is it the best fit for your community this spring […]


No Mow May: Bringing Your Community on Board


What does it take to make change in your community? No Mow May is a classic example of the hard work that it will take to engage with your local […]


Herbicides: A Double-Edged Sword? What We Know about Herbicide Impacts on Pollinators


Herbicides, "the chemical hoe," make up more than half of global pesticide sales and use, and are widely applied in agriculture, residential landscapes, and natural areas. Along with reducing the availability of food and shelter for pollinators, herbicides may have some direct effects on insects exposed in air, soil, water, and plants. Join Emily May, […]


Lights Out for Fireflies and Other Insects


Insect populations around the world are declining rapidly. But why? While habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change all have something to do with it, I show in this talk that light pollution is another important — but too often overlooked — bringer of the insect apocalypse. Light pollution interferes with the development, movement, foraging, […]


Beyond the Backyard: Native Planting for Public Landscapes

EPA's Campus in Research Triangle Park (RTP) 109 TW Alexander Dr, Durham, NC, United States

This day-long forum will focus on the use of native plants in public-facing and large-format landscapes. Envision how public spaces can be redesigned to allow native species to thrive. Learn why this practice can increase biodiversity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions with smart operational cost considerations. This forum is designed for owners and managers of […]


Webinar: NC Participates in the Great Southeastern Pollinator Census


North Carolina Webinar: Wednesday, June 7, 2023 Webinar Time: 1:30 pm-3:00 pm Eastern Time Where: Zoom (link to be sent out day before!) Who: ANYONE in North Carolina! Citizens, Extension Master Gardeners, schools, teachers, students, parents, homeschool groups, businesses, non-profits, government organizations, etc. Contact: Amanda Wilkins, [email protected] Date of the Census for 2023: Friday, August 18 and […]


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