How Everyone Can Contribute to Pollinator Conservation


Join Maddy Kangas, Monarch Butterfly Conservation Planner with the Xerces Society, for this webinar hosted by the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History. Maddy will discuss the status of pollinators, including monarch butterflies, and need for conservation action; monarch biology and habitat requirements; land management practices to protect pollinators; examples of pollinator habitat projects; and […]

We Need to Talk About Honeybees


To help ensure healthy ecosystems and successful harvests, pollinator conservation is essential. For many people, pollinator conservation is synonymous with the honey bee and beekeeping, but the story is bigger than that; much, much bigger than that. As we work to conserve pollinators, we need to ensure that our efforts are best directed where they […]


Pinellas County Bee City USA Bio Blitz

Eagle Lake Park 1800 Keene Road, Largo, United States

Pinellas County has recently been recognized as a Bee City (County) by the non-profit Xerces Society for the Conservation of Invertebrates. Part of our commitment to foster a community that supports insect conservation is to engage citizens in the collection of data on the health of our insect populations. You are invited to join others […]


Native Bee Walk at Weedon Island Preserve, FL

Weedon Island Preserve 1800 Weedon Drive Northeast, St. Petersburg, United States

Weedon Island Preserve is a home for many species of Pinellas County’s native bees. The native bees on Weedon Island are found in a variety of sizes from tiny ones that are the size of a grain of rice all the way to huge bumble bees and carpenter bees. Join a staff naturalist for a […]


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