Pollinator and Beneficial Insect Habitat: Small Urban Farms and Community Spaces


Urban landscapes are diverse and can provide unique habitat opportunities for pollinators and other beneficial invertebrates. However, habitat loss in urban areas is a driving factor of insect decline. Small urban farms and community gardens are great locations to add in native habitat pockets, strips, hedgerows, gardens, and more. At the same time, these habitats […]


No Mow May? No Mow April? Low Mow Spring?


No Mow May has garnered a lot of media attention in the past few years. It’s catchy and succinct, but is it the best fit for your community this spring -- and will pausing mowing for a few weeks really save the bees? Join Xerces Society Outreach and Education Director Matthew Shepherd and Bee City USA […]


Webinar: The Buzz on Florida’s Pollinators


Moths, flies, mosquitos… You will be surprised at how many different pollinators there are in Florida! In this class we will explore how plants have adapted to ensure their flowers are pollinated, why this is important, and the diversity of pollinators in our state. This webinar is recommended for adults and youth over 12. Register […]


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