Ecologically-Sound Mosquito Management at Home


Mosquitos are a nuisance at best and health risk at worst, so it's understandable why many people turn to insecticides to try and control these pests. Though spraying may seem like a quick and easy way to deal with mosquitos, it's often an ineffective control strategy. Worse, these insecticides are toxic to pollinators and other […]


Herbicides: A Double-Edged Sword? What We Know about Herbicide Impacts on Pollinators


Herbicides, "the chemical hoe," make up more than half of global pesticide sales and use, and are widely applied in agriculture, residential landscapes, and natural areas. Along with reducing the availability of food and shelter for pollinators, herbicides may have some direct effects on insects exposed in air, soil, water, and plants. Join Emily May, […]


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