Bee City USA and Bee Campus USA Open House: Pesticide Reduction Strategies


Reducing pesticide impacts and use is a key component of being a Bee City or Campus, but how this is achieved varies from one region to another as well as the specific location (is it a garden or a park, a formal planting or a natural area?). Join Sharon Selvaggio and Aaron Anderson of the Xerces […]


Ecologically-Sound Mosquito Management at Home


Mosquitos are a nuisance at best and health risk at worst, so it's understandable why many people turn to insecticides to try and control these pests. Though spraying may seem […]


Lights Out for Fireflies and Other Insects


Insect populations around the world are declining rapidly. But why? While habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change all have something to do with it, I show in this talk […]


Bee City Open House: Pesticides, Policy, & You


Join Rosemary Malfi and Aaron Anderson from the Xerces Society’s Pesticide Team for an “ask me anything”-style open house! Rosemary and Aaron will give short presentations, with case studies on practical pesticide reduction outreach and policy reform ideas. We will have plenty of time for a Q&A and group discussion on anything pesticide and policy […]


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