Practitioners Talk About IPM: Turning Lemons into Lemonade – the Story of Wilsonville, OR


A private parking lot in Wilsonville, Oregon became the unexpected site of the country's largest bumble bee kill, when an estimated 50,000-100,000 bumble bees died during Pollinator Week in 2013, after neonicotinoid insecticide was applied to linden trees located in the lot. Since then, the City of Wilsonville has rallied to support bee conservation through […]


Ecologically-Sound Mosquito Management at Home


Mosquitos are a nuisance at best and health risk at worst, so it's understandable why many people turn to insecticides to try and control these pests. Though spraying may seem like a quick and easy way to deal with mosquitos, it's often an ineffective control strategy. Worse, these insecticides are toxic to pollinators and other […]


Herbicides: A Double-Edged Sword? What We Know about Herbicide Impacts on Pollinators


Herbicides, "the chemical hoe," make up more than half of global pesticide sales and use, and are widely applied in agriculture, residential landscapes, and natural areas. Along with reducing the availability of food and shelter for pollinators, herbicides may have some direct effects on insects exposed in air, soil, water, and plants. Join Emily May, […]


Lights Out for Fireflies and Other Insects


Insect populations around the world are declining rapidly. But why? While habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change all have something to do with it, I show in this talk that light pollution is another important — but too often overlooked — bringer of the insect apocalypse. Light pollution interferes with the development, movement, foraging, […]


A Playful Nursery Gets Serious About Pollinator Safety: The Example of Harlequin’s Gardens


This event will be recorded and posted to: The Xerces YouTube Channel   We are excited to invite Mikl Brawner, founder and co-owner of Harlequin’s Gardens in Boulder Colorado, to this webinar. Mikl will discuss Harlequin’s philosophy about plant health and their non-toxic pest management practices. Sharon Selvaggio, Pesticide Program Specialist at Xerces, will start off […]


Bee City Open House: Pesticides, Policy, & You


Join Rosemary Malfi and Aaron Anderson from the Xerces Society’s Pesticide Team for an “ask me anything”-style open house! Rosemary and Aaron will give short presentations, with case studies on practical pesticide reduction outreach and policy reform ideas. We will have plenty of time for a Q&A and group discussion on anything pesticide and policy […]


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