Medical University of South Carolina Certified as 1st Bee Campus USA in South Carolina

PictureCarmen Ketron, Educator for MUSC Urban Farm

Bee Campus USA has certified the Medical University of South Carolina as the 11th affiliate in the nation and the first in South Carolina. To qualify for certification, a university or educational institution must make several commitments. They must establish and maintain a committee comprised of groundskeeping staff, faculty, administrators and students to develop a Campus Pollinator Habitat Plan that will incorporate native pollinator-friendly plants and a least toxic integrated pest management plan. They must hold annual campus events to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators and sponsor service–learning projects to enhance pollinator habitats on and off campus. They must offer a course or workshop on pollinator ecology and integrated pest management that provides continuing education credits for professional pesticide applicators and landscape designers. Institutions must also take steps to educate the campus and broader community about the importance of pollinator–friendly landscaping principles.

Already thinking about the future, Carmen Ketron, the educator for MUSC’s Urban Farm, said, “Her goal is to use MUSC’s Bee Campus certification to develop a model for The Citadel and the College of Charleston to follow. Eventually, she hopes the city of Charleston itself will apply for Bee City USA status.”

​Read the entire announcement here.

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