Portland State University Certified 10th Bee Campus USA in Nation!

PicturePSU students investigate mothers laying eggs in the native bee box.

Located in Portland, Oregon, Portland State University applied to be certified as a Bee Campus USA in spring 2016 because they are committed to modeling landscaping and teaching practices that encourage the larger community to do what they can to sustain vital pollinators.

Heather Spalding, Coordinator of the Student Sustainability Center explains, “PSU plants mostly natives and edibles on campus and our Landscaping department uses an Integrated Pest Management Plan that includes minimizing the use of pesticides.”

PSU has a variety of student focused gardens, which include pollinators, natives, and edibles, and provides opportunities for students to participate in garden education activities through their Garden Task Force. 

Right in the middle of PSU’s campus, their Oak Savanna is a minimally managed outdoor classroom that is protected from foot and dog traffic. The space includes oaks and sparse understory (including plants like camas, grasses, oregon grape, and serviceberry) that increases the biodiversity of our campus ecosystem. The space is mowed just once in August in accordance with local indigenous management practices so that plants can complete their bloom cycle. Hundreds of dragonflies, ladybugs, and bees are found there in spring and summer.​

Congratulations President Wiewel and the faculty, staff and students of Portland State University!

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