A line of people, some in neon vests, stand giving a thumbs up on grass on a sunny day with a garden and bridge in the background.

11 Activities to Strengthen Your Community Outreach in 2023

1. Set goals. Meet with your Bee City/Campus committee members and determine what you want to achieve this year (and in the next five!). Share your plan with community leaders and ask for their input and support.

2. Schedule a monthly volunteer event in your community, such as weed pulling, garden maintenance, or flower planting at a local park or pollinator garden. Post it to volunteer boards and local event calendars, and encourage service groups to participate. Don’t forget to invite families and kids!

3. Handouts: Design simple, small handouts promoting your Bee City/Campus. Or, instead of handouts, print just a few laminated, colorful outreach sheets that have website URLs or QR codes that people can take a picture of. Ask local printers to donate printing costs (and be sure to thank them).

4. Apply to table at a farmer’s market this spring. Promote your Bee City/Campus work and ask people to get involved. You could even give out free native pollinator plant seeds. Ask for donations or discounts from seed companies.

5. Post bee profiles on social media. There are 3,600 native bee species found in the US. How many species are in your state? Tag and thank local business and nonprofits who work to protect local ecosystems where these species are found.

6. Hold a family-oriented garden sign-making party. Signage can help start conversations and educate neighbors. Emphasize easy-to-read text and keep it positive. A few ideas:

  • “We Love Our Pollinator Garden”
  • “Pollinator Habitat. Hábitat para Polinizadores”
  • “Pesticide Free: Safe for Kids, Pets and Bees”
  • “We Love Bees! This is a ‘Low Mow’ Yard”

7. Organize a native pollinator plant or seed giveaway or sale. Make an in-person ask for donations at your local garden centers. Be sure to send a thank you note after the event, so they can be a part of your success.

8. Invite your elected officials. Ask them to visit one of your pollinator conservation outreach events or participate in a pollinator habitat planting.

9. Write a letter to the editor celebrating about your Bee City/Campus accomplishments. Include some action items with readers:

  • Buy native pollinator plants
  • Avoid using pesticides
  • Spread the word to friends and neighbors.

10. Ask to give a short presentation about your Bee City/Campus activities at a senior center, community center, library, or garden club. Pair it with a free educational film. End with a call to action.

11. Do a Bee City/Campus Affiliate Spotlight blog post for the Bee City USA website. We can promote your good work! Email [email protected] to get started.

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