Pollinator Week Promo Kit for Affiliates: Meet the Bees

People sit on a grassy hill, facing away, towards a person talking and holding a poster with pictures of a variety of bee species.
An image of a bookmark and brochure
An image of a bookmark and brochure
Activities for Families 
Online Resources for Gardeners and Land Managers

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We’re proud to be a #BeeCityUSA affiliate during #PollinatorWeek! Let’s celebrate the hard-working insects that bring so much to our world! With more than 3,600 species, bees are the most important group of pollinators in the US. Without bumble bees, sweat bees, mason bees, mining bees, metallic green bees, squash bees, sunflower bees, and so many more, gardens would be less productive and landscapes less colorful.

This year, let’s get rid of insecticides from our gardens. 25% of total insecticide use in the US is in gardens – yikes! Reasons to not use insecticides:

1: They rarely solve the problem of why you have a pest. Find out why the pest is there and adjust to deal with the cause.

2: They kill bees too. A healthy garden shows signs of life – chewed leaves, blemished plants, nests in the ground.

3: They don’t stay where you applied them. What you put on your garden washes away. Urban creeks can be more polluted than agricultural areas.

#BeeCityUSA #ProtectBees #PollinatorWeek #NoSpray

If you are a campus, change #BeeCityUSA to #BeeCampusUSA

It’s Pollinator Week – let’s celebrate the hard-working insects that bring so much to our world! With more than 3,600 species, bees are the most important group of pollinators in the US. #BeeCityUSA #ProtectBees #PollinatorWeek

Without bumble bees, sweat bees, mason bees, mining bees, metallic green bees, squash bees, sunflower bees, and so many more, gardens would be less productive and landscapes less colorful. #BeeCityUSA #ProtectBees #PollinatorWeek

Proud to be a #BeeCityUSA affiliate during #PollinatorWeek! This year, let’s get rid of insecticides from our gardens. 25% of total insecticide use in the US is in gardens – yikes! #ProtectBees #NoSpray

Reasons to not use insecticides 1: They rarely solve the problem of why you have a pest. Find out why the pest is there and adjust to deal with the cause. #BeeCityUSA #ProtectBees #PollinatorWeek #NoSpray

Reasons to not use insecticides 2: They kill bees too. A healthy garden shows signs of life – chewed leaves, blemished plants, nests in the ground. #BeeCityUSA #ProtectBees #PollinatorWeek #NoSpray

Reasons to not use insecticides 3: They don’t stay where you applied them. What you put on your garden washes away. Urban creeks can be more polluted than agricultural areas. #BeeCityUSA #ProtectBees #PollinatorWeek #NoSpray

Template Op-Ed Article (click to download Word Doc)

Feel free to edit this document to personalize and use in your:

  • Neighborhood/homeowners association newsletter or blog
  • The opinion and editorial section of your local or regional paper
  • Your Bee City/Campus USA affiliate website

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