Pollinator Week Promo Kit for Affiliates: Meet the Bees

People sit on a grassy hill, facing away, towards a person talking and holding a poster with pictures of a variety of bee species.

Pollinator Week is June 17-22 and it can be a great time to kick off summer Bee City activities! Whether you are tabling at the farmers market or holding a movie night, we’ve got the resources to help you out!

While we no longer require Bee Cities to pass a Pollinator Week proclamation, it can be fun way to remind everyone about how and why we help pollinators. Download our Template Proclamation for National Pollinator Week.

Handouts to Print
Activities for Families 
  • X Kids: A fun kids workbook in Spanish and English!
  • Bumble Bee Watch community science program. Take pictures of bumble bees and help with real scientific research across North America.
Reading Materials
A cute little yellow and black bee peeps out of a small tunnel in sandy soil.
  • Booklet: Pollinator-Friendly Parks: Enhancing Our Communities by Supporting Native Pollinators in Our Parks and Other Public Spaces
Social Media Images (Facebook and Instagram -friendly format) Click text to view full size and download:

Bee City USA Templates

Happy Pollinator Week! 

Without bumble bees, sweat bees, mason bees, mining bees, metallic green bees, squash bees, sunflower bees, and so many more, gardens would be less productive and landscapes less colorful. By avoiding pesticides, we can help keep bees safe.

Reasons to not use pesticides:

  • They rarely solve the problem of why you have a pest. Find out why the pest is there and adjust to deal with the cause.
  • They kill bees too. A healthy garden shows signs of life – chewed leaves, blemished plants, nests in the ground.
  • They don’t stay where you applied them. What you put on your garden washes away. Urban creeks can be more polluted than agricultural areas.

#BeeCityUSA #BeeCampusUSA #ProtectBees #PollinatorWeek 

Happy Pollinator Week! 

There are more honey bees in the US than ever before, but that’s not the full story. Up to 40% of pollinator species on earth are at risk of extinction. Want to help?

  1. Grow native plants (even a few potted plants make a difference!)
  2. Avoid using pesticides and buy organic when possible
  3. Spread the word: talk to friends, family & elected officials
#BeeCityUSA # BeeCampusUSA #Gardening #PollinatorWeek 

Happy Pollinator Week!

[Your city name] is a Bee City USA That means we have committed to creating or enhancing pollinator habitat each year by increasing the abundance of native plants, providing nest sites, and reducing the use of pesticides. We are part of a community of over 400 Bee Cities and Bee Campuses in 47 states!

Want to help save the bees? Contact [your Bee City’s email address] to get involved!

#BeeCityUSA #BeeCampusUSA #Gardening #PollinatorWeek 

Bee Campus USA Templates

Happy Pollinator Week! 

Without bumble bees, sweat bees, mason bees, mining bees, metallic green bees, squash bees, sunflower bees, and so many more, gardens would be less productive and landscapes less colorful. By avoiding pesticides, we can help keep bees safe.

Reasons to not use pesticides:

  • They rarely solve the problem of why you have a pest. Find out why the pest is there and adjust to deal with the cause.
  • They kill bees too. A healthy garden shows signs of life – chewed leaves, blemished plants, nests in the ground.
  • They don’t stay where you applied them. What you put on your garden washes away. Urban creeks can be more polluted than agricultural areas.

#BeeCityUSA #BeeCampusUSA #ProtectBees #PollinatorWeek 

Happy Pollinator Week! 

There are more honey bees in the US than ever before, but that’s not the full story. Up to 40% of pollinator species on earth are at risk of extinction. Want to help?

  1. Grow native plants (even a few potted plants make a difference!)
  2. Avoid using pesticides and buy organic when possible
  3. Spread the word: talk to friends, family & elected officials
#BeeCityUSA # BeeCampusUSA #Gardening #PollinatorWeek 

Happy Pollinator Week!

[Your campus name] is a Bee Campus USA. That means we have committed to creating or enhancing pollinator habitat each year by increasing the abundance of native plants, providing nest sites, and reducing the use of pesticides. We are part of a community of over 400 Bee Cities and Bee Campuses in 47 states!

Want to help save the bees? Contact [your Bee Campus’s email address] to get involved!

#BeeCityUSA #BeeCampusUSA #Gardening #PollinatorWeek 

Template Op-Ed Article (click to download Word Doc)

Feel free to edit this document to personalize and use in your:

  • Neighborhood/homeowners association newsletter or blog
  • The opinion and editorial section of your local or regional paper
  • Your Bee City/Campus USA affiliate website

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